
Sarcastic Parrot
2 min readFeb 7, 2021

I just read a blog about planking for 5 minutes a day. This was an interesting read to me since I do have a background in sports. The blogger decided (with no other reference to any other exercises) she was just going to do a 5 minute plank every day for a month and see what happened. Was she living under a rock up until then? You don’t just start planking for 5 minutes!🙄 At least she got her form correct with the help of a personal trainer but, seriously, what would compel her to start with an aim of 5 minutes when she had never done them before. My suggestion for anyone who is interested would be to start with even 15 seconds and add 5 seconds every week or even every few days as you build up your strength. She would have got there eventually instead of at the end, being satisfied with a crazy modification of a couple of different kinds of planks that barely added up to her 5 minutes. By posting this adventure she was doing a major disservice to all those people who spend time carefully upping their game to get fit for a lifetime, not as a one off gimmick. I was kinda insulted on behalf of all of you hard workers that have earned the five minute plank! So, because the aforementioned blogger didn’t do so, I congratulate all of you fitness buffs who actually can do a plank for five minutes and I congratulate you on the hard work it took to get there. You are an inspiration for the correct way to approach fitness. Slowly and regularly with small wins along the way. Well done!

